

Amy Eves Walder
Talia Woodson


Abby McGrath
Kenya Lowe


Christine Catanzaro
Pete Malone 


Autumn Levine
Amy Matttioli

Cheetah Cares Liaison

Laura Harmer

Members at Large

Kristy Nober

Candice Sbalcio

Heather Kulp Bennecoff

Committees and Volunteer Opportunities

The PTO has been working hard to plan for this school year. As always, we need volunteers to help raise money, organize events, and do work behind the scenes to help make our school great!

Below is a list of our current committees (subject to change) and a brief description of what they do. We may add or eliminate events based on volunteer availability, COVID-19 restrictions, or other limitations.

5th Grade Events: Typically reserved for parents of 5th graders, this committee plans graduation events and fundraisers specifically for the 5th grade.

Adult Social: Typically a winter event, the adult social is a fundraiser with food, drinks, music, raffles, and more!

Assemblies: Several kid appropriate assemblies are held throughout the year for the students. Ideas welcome on what to bring next!

Bagels & Books: This event takes place in March in the cafeteria for parents and students.

Bakery Fundraisers: We typically host one bakery fundraiser each half of the school year. This volunteer would coordinate with the bakery, collect orders, and arrange for delivery of the items.

Bingo Night Planning Committee: This event is held in April. The committee will find additional volunteers, organize prizes, coordinate food and drinks, and host the event. One of the biggest events of the year!

Book Fair: Typically held in conjunction with read-a-thon, the book fair is another huge event that raises a lot of money for our library. Committee volunteers coordinate the event with Scholastic, organize volunteers, and help set up and break down the event.

Career Fair: Introduced to Fitz last year! This is an exciting day where students get to go around and meet different types of community workers. Committee members coordinate with different type of workers to come in and have a job fair type event.

Cash Back Programs: We benefit from several cash back programs through various businesses and organizations that require coordination. This is a job that could be done from home

Games Day Planning Committee: One of our final events of the year, games day is a fun-filled day of activities for the students. Many parent volunteers are needed to man the stations and help organize the event.

Garden Club Committee: TFES garden club is a great way for children to be introduced to different fruits and vegetables, where also they learn their benefits. Parent volunteers are essential to helping the program run smooth and efficiently.

Halloween Family Trunk or Treat: During this fun event families dress up and decorate their cars while handing out candy to the attendees. Committee members promote, organize, and coordinate with vendors and participants.

Holiday Shop Planning Committee: This event typically takes place in early December. It empowers the students to shop on their own during the holiday season. Committee members book a vendor, organize volunteers for set up and break down, and promote to families.

Movie Nights: TBD events are typically held every other month. Duties include promotion of the events, organizing food and drinks, and arranging logistics.

Read-a-Thon Planning Committee: Our biggest fundraiser of the year! We will be planning this major fundraiser in conjunction with Read Across America Week in March.

Restaurant Nights: Help plan our dine and donate events in the community! These are a great way to support our local restaurants and support our school without making dinner!

Room Parents: Each classroom needs to have 2-3 dedicated room parents. Room parents will assist in planning parties, communication, and gathering photos for the yearbook!

School Beautification Committee: Volunteers needed to help make planning decisions, organize working group, and solicit donations to help our outdoor environment thrive!

School Store Chair: This year we will stock a limited amount of items in our school store for purchase through RunPTo. The Chairperson will be in charge of this effort.

Science Fair Planning Committee: The Science Fair takes place in April. Lots of advance coordination is required for this event.

Shopping Fundraisers: These include gift items before the holidays, spirit wear, and other third-party fundraisers that raise significant funds for our school. Volunteers would be required to coordinate, promote, and facilitate these typically online events.

Spirit Squad: Members would decorate the school/outside the school for different events throughout the year.

Sunshine Committee: Show appreciation for those who support our kids! These events are sprinkled throughout the year and include providing food and gifts for our staff and teachers.

Super Saturday: Carnival style fun at Fitz! Members promote, book food trucks, and secure carnival type games and attractions.

VIP Dance: New to Fitz this year! Students will be able to bring a special person to a dance held at Sandy Run Middle School. Committee members will promote, organize ideas and themes.

Yearbook Planning Committee: For a variety of reasons, largely due to an already overburdened volunteer force, we did not have a yearbook last year. This year with a great committee we hope to put together a wonderful yearbook for the kids. Creativity welcome!

If you have any questions about the time commitments required or other ways to help, please contact a member of the board. Thank you!