What are the regular school hours?
For elementary school, the regular hours are 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM.
Please visit the UDSD web site for the complete school calendar, including late arrivals, early dismissals, meetings, and holidays.
What is the carpool line procedure?
Parents typically begin lining up 25 minutes before the end of the school day. The entrance for the carpool line is to the left of the school; cars cannot enter the driveway to the front of the school where the buses line up. If there are children playing in the playground, you must stop at the second stop sign and wait until the children enter the school. When there are no children present, you may proceed to the right, up to the bicycle rack, and wait for your child to come outside. Please enter the building carpool line from Jill Rd and exit to the right towards North Hills Avenue. That helps with the traffic flow and allows residents that live School Lane to have access to their property.
For walkers/carpool line children, what time may I bring my child to school on a normal day, and where does he/she report?
Children may enter the building as early as 8:50 AM. Students may go directly to classes at this time. Front door walkers will enter the building using the main entrance. Back door walkers will enter the building via the hallway entrance towards the Woodland Rd side of the building. Parents dropping off students will use our carpool line and will be directed where to drop off students.
For school-sponsored late arrival (11 AM), how early may I bring my child to school?
You may bring your child to school as early as 10:30 AM.
What time may I expect the bus on late arrival or early dismissal days?
The bus will take approximately the same amount of time to travel as any normal day. For example, if the bus usually arrives one half-hour before the beginning of school and one half-hour after dismissal, you may assume that the travel time will be the same on early dismissal/late arrival days. If you have further questions, please contact the Transportation Office at 215-646-7778.
Is there a specific procedure for personal early dismissal/late arrivals (i.e. physician or dentist appointments)?
Yes, parent/guardians must stop in the school office and fill out the white form, available in the office, with the reason and time for the early dismissal/late arrival.
What is the policy for absences?
If your child is absent from school, you must call the Childwatch line 215-784-0381 ext 2 (see your back to school packet for more info), then you must send the white form in to school with your child the day that your child returns, stating the reason for the absence. If your child is not in school for an extended period of time (vacation or extended illness), a note should be sent to the teacher as soon as possible, so that missed schoolwork can be sent home. White forms will be sent home at the beginning of the school year, and more can be obtained in the school office. Visit www.udsd.org, then click on “District Administration,” then “Pupil Services,” then choose Attendance Regulations for the full UDSD policy.
Do classrooms have parties during the course of the year?
Yes. Classroom parties are typically Halloween, Winter (just before break), and Valentine’s Day. These parties are for the children and Room Parents only. Parents are invited to attend the Halloween Parade, Games Day and other events throughout the year.
Is someone available to help younger children select their lunch?
Yes. Aides are available to help students purchase school lunches. Students may also bring their lunches. Please note that there is no microwave or refrigerator available to the children.
How do I become a Room Parent?
There are two Room Parents per classroom. A volunteer form will be sent home in the opening day packet from your teacher. Room Parents are required to volunteer for at least one PTO committee.
Will I be notified of special events at school?
Events will be posted on the district calendar and RunPTO calendar. In addition, you can follow us on Facebook for latest events. Flyers about special events specific to your child’s class/grade will also be sent home. Most school-wide events are listed in the school calendar located in front of the school directory.
How can I meet my child’s teacher and learn more about the school day and curriculum?
A Back-to-School night will be held in early September from 6:30-7:30pm to allow parents to meet the teachers and see your child’s classroom. This is a parent-only event. Parent-teacher conferences are scheduled twice a year to review your child’s progress. If there are any specific questions or concerns, please contact your child’s teacher.
What if I would like a class list, a classmate’s address or phone number?
A school directory may be purchased through the TFES PTO. Please do not call the school to request this information.
Where can I find answers to other questions about Thomas Fitzwater Elementary or Upper Dublin schools?
The Upper Dublin calendar, mailed directly to homes, has telephone numbers and information about each school. Also, Channel 16 on Comcast Cable in Upper Dublin has information about school activities, schedule changes and school closings.
If you have any questions throughout the course of the year, please feel free to contact the PTO Co-Presidents.